Unlocking the Power of HCE: Implementing NFC Technology for RavKav (Calypso) Cards in Your App
Image by Silvaon - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of HCE: Implementing NFC Technology for RavKav (Calypso) Cards in Your App

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Are you ready to revolutionize the way people pay for public transportation in Israel? By implementing Host Card Emulation (HCE) using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for the RavKav (Calypso) card in your app, you can provide users with a convenient, secure, and contactless payment experience. In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this integration.

Understanding the RavKav (Calypso) Card

The RavKav card is a popular public transportation card used in Israel, and it’s based on the Calypso standard. This card is widely accepted in buses, trains, and light rail systems across the country. By integrating HCE using NFC technology, you can enable users to pay for their transportation fees using their mobile devices, eliminating the need for a physical card.

Benefits of Implementing HCE using NFC Technology

The benefits of implementing HCE using NFC technology for the RavKav (Calypso) card are numerous:

  • Convenience: Users can pay for their transportation fees using their mobile devices, eliminating the need for a physical card.
  • Security: HCE technology provides an additional layer of security, as the sensitive card information is stored securely on the mobile device.
  • Contactless Payment: Users can simply tap their mobile devices on the NFC-enabled payment terminal to complete the transaction.
  • Easy Top-up: Users can top-up their RavKav card balance using their mobile device, making it easy to manage their transportation fees.

Step 1: Setting Up the Development Environment

Before we dive into the implementation process, let’s set up the development environment:

Android Studio is the recommended IDE for this project, as it provides a comprehensive set of tools for Android app development. Make sure you have the latest version of Android Studio installed on your machine.

Additionally, you’ll need to install the following tools and libraries:

  • Android SDK: Ensure you have the latest version of the Android SDK installed on your machine.
  • NFC API: You’ll need to implement the NFC API to interact with the NFC-enabled payment terminal.
  • HCE Library: You’ll need a library that supports HCE, such as Android-HCE or HCE-Terminal.

Step 2: Configuring the NFC API

Next, let’s configure the NFC API to interact with the NFC-enabled payment terminal:

// Initialize the NFC adapter
NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);

// Check if NFC is enabled
if (nfcAdapter.isEnabled()) {
  // Create a PendingIntent to handle the NFC intent
  PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, new Intent(this, getClass()).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP), 0);

  // Create an IntentFilter to filter NFC intents
  IntentFilter[] intentFiltersArray = new IntentFilter[] { };

  // Register the IntentFilter
  nfcAdapter.enableReaderMode(this, pendingIntent, intentFiltersArray, null);

Step 3: Implementing HCE using NFC Technology

Now, let’s implement HCE using NFC technology for the RavKav (Calypso) card:

Create a new class that extends the HceService class:

public class RavKavHceService extends HceService {
  // Implement the onDeactivate() method
  public boolean onDeactivate() {
    // Deactivate the HCE service
    return true;

  // Implement the onProcessApdu() method
  public byte[] onProcessApdu(byte[] apdu) {
    // Process the APDU command
    return new byte[] { (byte) 0x90, (byte) 0x00 };

Next, register the HCE service in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <action android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.action.HOST_APDU_SERVICE"/>

Step 4: Integrating the RavKav (Calypso) Card

Now, let’s integrate the RavKav (Calypso) card with the HCE service:

Create a new class that handles the RavKav card operations:

public class RavKavCard {
  // Initialize the RavKav card
  public void initRavKavCard() {
    // Initialize the Calypso card
    CalypsoCard calypsoCard = new CalypsoCard();

    // Set the card parameters
    calypsoCard.setCardHolderName("John Doe");

  // Perform a transaction using the RavKav card
  public void performTransaction(int amount) {
    // Create a new APDU command
    byte[] apduCommand = new byte[] { (byte) 0x02, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x03, (byte) 0x04, (byte) 0x05 };

    // Send the APDU command to the HCE service
    byte[] response = RavKavHceService.getInstance().transmitApdu(apduCommand);

    // Handle the response
    if (response != null) {
      // Transaction successful
      Log.d("RavKavCard", "Transaction successful");
    } else {
      // Transaction failed
      Log.d("RavKavCard", "Transaction failed");

Step 5: Testing the Implementation

Finally, let’s test the implementation:

Create a new activity that interacts with the RavKav card:

public class RavKavActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  // Initialize the RavKav card
  RavKavCard ravKavCard = new RavKavCard();

  // Initialize the NFC adapter
  NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);

  // OnResume method
  protected void onResume() {

    // Check if NFC is enabled
    if (nfcAdapter.isEnabled()) {
      // Initialize the RavKav card

      // Perform a transaction

Run the app on a physical device with NFC capabilities, and test the implementation by tapping the device on the NFC-enabled payment terminal.


Implementing HCE using NFC technology for the RavKav (Calypso) card in your app provides users with a convenient, secure, and contactless payment experience. By following these steps, you can successfully integrate the RavKav card with your app, providing a seamless payment experience for users.

Remember to test the implementation thoroughly to ensure that it meets the requirements and works as expected.

Keyword Description
HCE Host Card Emulation
RavKav Public transportation card in Israel
Calypso Standard for contactless smart cards

By following this guide, you can successfully implement HCE using NFC technology for the RavKav (Calypso) card in your app, providing a convenient and secure payment experience for users.

  1. Download the Android SDK and install it on your machine.
  2. Install the NFC API and HCE library in your project.
  3. Configure the NFC API to interact with the NFC-enabled payment terminal.
  4. Implement HCE using NFC technology for the RavKav (Calypso) card.
  5. Integrate the RavKav card with the HCE service.
  6. Test the implementation thoroughly to ensure that it meets the requirements.

By following these steps, you can provide users with a convenient, secure, and contactless payment

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most burning questions about implementing HCE using NFC tech for the RavKav (calypso) card in this app!

What is HCE, and how does it relate to the RavKav card?

HCE stands for Host Card Emulation, which allows your mobile device to mimic the functionality of a physical RavKav (calypso) card. This means you can use your phone to make transactions, just like you would with the physical card, using NFC technology!

How does the app use NFC tech to implement HCE for the RavKav card?

The app utilizes the NFC capabilities of your mobile device to communicate with the RavKav card, emulating the card’s functionality. This allows you to tap your phone on an NFC-enabled terminal to make payments or validate your ticket, just like you would with the physical card!

What are the benefits of using HCE with NFC tech for the RavKav card in this app?

Implementing HCE with NFC tech provides a convenient, contactless, and secure way to use your RavKav card. You can easily top up your card, check your balance, and make transactions on-the-go, without the need to carry a physical card!

Is the app secure, and how does it protect my RavKav card data?

The app takes security seriously! Your RavKav card data is stored securely on your device, and all transactions are encrypted and protected by industry-standard security protocols. You can rest assured that your data is safe and secure!

Can I use the app with multiple RavKav cards, and how do I switch between them?

Yes, you can add and manage multiple RavKav cards within the app! Simply tap on the “Add Card” button, follow the on-screen instructions, and assign a unique name to each card. To switch between cards, just tap on the card you want to use, and the app will update accordingly. Easy peasy!

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