Mastering the Art of Creating a Smooth GUI Experience: Resolving Calling Model Freezes and New Window Issues with Ultralytics, Tkinter, and PyInstaller
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Mastering the Art of Creating a Smooth GUI Experience: Resolving Calling Model Freezes and New Window Issues with Ultralytics, Tkinter, and PyInstaller

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Are you tired of dealing with freezing models and pesky new windows popping up when running your executable file created with Ultralytics, Tkinter, and PyInstaller? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of GUI development and provide you with a step-by-step solution to resolve these frustrating issues. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

The Problem: Calling Model Freezes and New Window Issues

When building a GUI application using Ultralytics, Tkinter, and PyInstaller, you might encounter two common issues:

  • Model Freeze: Your model freezes when you try to call it from your Tkinter GUI, causing your application to become unresponsive.
  • New Window Issue: A new window pops up every time you call your model, cluttering your desktop and confusing your users.

These issues can be frustrating, especially when you’ve invested a significant amount of time and effort into building your application. Fear not, dear developer! We’ll tackle these problems head-on and provide a clear, concise solution.

Understanding the Causes: Tkinter’s Event Loop and PyInstaller’s Packaging

To resolve these issues, it’s essential to understand the underlying causes:

Tkinter’s Event Loop

Tkinter, a Python binding to the Tk GUI toolkit, uses an event loop to process GUI events. When you call your model from within the event loop, it can cause the GUI to freeze, as the model execution blocks the main thread. This freezing issue is especially prevalent when working with computationally intensive models or large datasets.

PyInstaller’s Packaging

PyInstaller, a popular tool for packaging Python applications into standalone executables, can sometimes cause issues with window creation. When PyInstaller packages your application, it creates a new window for each thread, which can lead to the new window issue.

The Solution: Using Threading and Queueing

To overcome the calling model freezes and new window issues, we’ll employ a combination of threading and queueing techniques:

Step 1: Create a Separate Thread for Model Execution

We’ll create a new thread for model execution, ensuring that it doesn’t block the main thread and freeze the GUI. This approach allows the GUI to remain responsive while the model is executing.

import threading

def call_model():
    # Your model execution code here

model_thread = threading.Thread(target=call_model)

Step 2: Use a Queue to Communicate between Threads

We’ll use a queue to communicate between the main thread and the model execution thread. This enables us to pass data between threads and receive results without blocking the GUI.

import queue

model_queue = queue.Queue()

def call_model():
    # Your model execution code here
    result = ...

model_thread = threading.Thread(target=call_model)

Step 3: Update the GUI Using the Queue

Once the model execution is complete, we’ll retrieve the result from the queue and update the GUI accordingly. This ensures that the GUI remains responsive and reflects the latest results.

def update_gui():
    while True:
            result = model_queue.get(block=False)
            # Update the GUI with the result
            print("Result:", result)
        except queue.Empty:

update_thread = threading.Thread(target=update_gui)

PyInstaller Configuration: Specifying the Main Executable

To prevent PyInstaller from creating new windows, we need to specify the main executable in the PyInstaller configuration file:

import PyInstaller


Optimizing Performance: Using Multiprocessing

For computationally intensive models, we can further optimize performance by using multiprocessing. This approach enables us to leverage multiple CPU cores, significantly reducing the execution time.

import multiprocessing

def call_model():
    # Your model execution code here

if __name__ == '__main__':

Best Practices for GUI Development

To ensure a smooth GUI experience, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep the GUI event loop responsive: Avoid blocking the event loop with computationally intensive tasks or long-running operations.
  2. Use threading and queueing: Leverage threading and queueing to communicate between threads and maintain a responsive GUI.
  3. Optimize performance: Use multiprocessing or other optimization techniques to reduce execution time and improve overall performance.
  4. Design for scalability: Plan your application’s architecture to scale effortlessly, ensuring a seamless user experience even with large datasets.


In this article, we’ve tackled the calling model freezes and new window issues that can plague your Ultralytics, Tkinter, and PyInstaller-based GUI application. By employing threading, queueing, and multiprocessing techniques, you can create a smooth, responsive, and efficient GUI experience for your users. Remember to follow best practices for GUI development, and you’ll be well on your way to building a top-notch application that impresses and delights!

Keyword Calling model freezes and opens new windows in exe. ultralytics+tkinter+pyinstaller
Solution Threading, queueing, and multiprocessing techniques to resolve calling model freezes and new window issues.
Best Practice Keep the GUI event loop responsive, use threading and queueing, optimize performance, and design for scalability.

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about calling model freezes and opens new windows in exe using ultralytics, tkinter, and pyinstaller!

Why is my model freezing when I try to call it from a tkinter GUI?

This is likely due to the model being computationally intensive and blocking the tkinter GUI event loop. Try using threading or multiprocessing to run the model in the background, allowing the GUI to remain responsive.

How do I prevent my tkinter GUI from opening multiple windows when I call my model?

You can use the `tkinter.Toplevel` widget instead of creating a new instance of `tkinter.Tk` for each model call. This will create a new window that is tied to the main GUI window, preventing multiple windows from opening.

Why is pyinstaller including unnecessary files in my executable?

Pyinstaller can be configured to include or exclude specific files and directories using the `–exclude` and `–include` options. Make sure to specify the correct directories and files to include in your executable.

How do I optimize my model to reduce the time it takes to load and process?

You can try reducing the model size by pruning or quantizing it, or by using a more efficient model architecture. Additionally, consider using a just-in-time compiler or a GPU accelerator to speed up model inference.

Can I use ultralytics yolov8 with pyinstaller and tkinter without encountering issues?

Yes, it is possible to use ultralytics yolov8 with pyinstaller and tkinter, but be prepared for potential issues related to model size, GPU compatibility, and version conflicts. Make sure to test your application thoroughly and optimize as needed.