Unraveling the Mystery: How to Get Detailed Error Traces with OpenTelemetry
Image by Silvaon - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: How to Get Detailed Error Traces with OpenTelemetry

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Are you tired of scratching your head, trying to decipher cryptic error messages in your application? Do you have trouble getting error traces in detail on OpenTelemetry? Fear not, dear developer, for you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of OpenTelemetry and explore the secrets to unlocking detailed error traces.

What is OpenTelemetry, Anyway?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what OpenTelemetry is. OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability framework that allows you to collect, process, and export telemetry data from your applications. It provides a set of APIs, SDKs, and tools to help you monitor and troubleshoot your systems.

The Importance of Detailed Error Traces

Error traces are the lifeblood of debugging. Without them, you’re left guessing what went wrong, wasting precious time, and resources. Detailed error traces provide valuable insights into the flow of your application, enabling you to identify the root cause of errors and fix them efficiently.

The Challenges of Getting Detailed Error Traces

So, why do we often struggle to get detailed error traces in OpenTelemetry? There are several reasons for this:

  • Inadequate configuration: Incorrect or incomplete configuration can lead to incomplete or missing error traces.
  • Insufficient instrumentation: Without proper instrumentation, your application may not be generating enough telemetry data to provide detailed error traces.
  • Data processing and filtering: Errors can be lost or filtered out during the processing and transmission of telemetry data.
  • Observability gaps: Gaps in your observability setup can lead to incomplete or missing error traces.

Configuring OpenTelemetry for Detailed Error Traces

Now that we’ve identified the challenges, let’s dive into the configurations and settings that will help you get detailed error traces with OpenTelemetry.

1. Enable Error Reporting

The first step is to enable error reporting in your OpenTelemetry configuration. This can be done by setting the `report_errors` option to `true` in your `opentelemetry.yml` file:

    endpoint: "https://otlp.example.com"
    report_errors: true

2. Configure Error Types

Specify the types of errors you want to report. You can do this by adding an `error_types` section to your `opentelemetry.yml` file:

    endpoint: "https://otlp.example.com"
      - exception
      - timeout
      - cancelled

3. Set Error Catcher

Configure an error catcher to capture and report errors. You can do this by adding an `error_catcher` section to your `opentelemetry.yml` file:

    endpoint: "https://otlp.example.com"
      type: "std"
      catch_exceptions: true

4. Instrument Your Application

Instrument your application using OpenTelemetry SDKs and APIs. This will generate telemetry data that can be used to create detailed error traces.

import {tracer} from "@opentelemetry/api";

const myTracer = tracer("my-service");

// your application code here

Data Processing and Filtering

Once you’ve configured OpenTelemetry and instrumented your application, it’s essential to ensure that the telemetry data is processed and filtered correctly.

1. Verify Data Ingestion

Verify that your telemetry data is being ingested correctly by checking the OpenTelemetry console or logs.

2. Configure Data Processing

Configure data processing to include error traces. You can do this by adding a `processors` section to your `opentelemetry.yml` file:

  - type: "batch"
  - type: "error_attributes"

3. Filter Out Noise

Filter out noise and irrelevant data to focus on the errors that matter. You can do this using OpenTelemetry’s filtering capabilities:

  - type: "filter"
      - key: "error.message"
        value: "ignore-this-error"
        action: "drop"

Closing the Observability Gaps

To ensure that you’re getting detailed error traces, it’s essential to close the observability gaps in your system.

1. Monitor Your Application

Monitor your application using OpenTelemetry’s built-in monitoring capabilities or third-party tools like Prometheus or Grafana.

2. Configure Tracing and Metrics

Configure tracing and metrics to provide a comprehensive view of your application’s performance and errors.

  - type: "counter"
      name: "my_metric"
      description: "My metric"

Putting it All Together

By following these steps, you should now be able to get detailed error traces with OpenTelemetry. Remember to:

  • Enable error reporting and configure error types
  • Set up an error catcher and instrument your application
  • Verify data ingestion and configure data processing
  • Filter out noise and close observability gaps

With these configurations and settings in place, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the secrets of detailed error tracing with OpenTelemetry.


Getting detailed error traces with OpenTelemetry requires a combination of configuration, instrumentation, and data processing. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of OpenTelemetry and gain a deeper understanding of your application’s errors. So, the next time you encounter an error, you’ll be equipped with the tools and knowledge to debug it efficiently and effectively.

Keyword Summary
OpenTelemetry A open-source observability framework for collecting, processing, and exporting telemetry data
Error Traces Detailed records of errors, including the error message, stack trace, and context
report_errors A configuration option to enable error reporting in OpenTelemetry
error_types A configuration option to specify the types of errors to report
error_catcher A configuration option to set up an error catcher to capture and report errors

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in your journey to getting detailed error traces with OpenTelemetry. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about having trouble getting error traces details on OpenTelemetry.

Why am I not receiving error trace details in OpenTelemetry?

This could be due to the sampling rate being set too low. Try increasing the sampling rate to capture more error traces. Additionally, ensure that the instrumented application is correctly configured to report errors to OpenTelemetry.

How do I troubleshoot error trace details not being captured in OpenTelemetry?

Start by checking the OpenTelemetry configuration files to ensure that error tracing is enabled. Then, verify that the instrumented application is correctly reporting errors to OpenTelemetry. You can use tools like debug logs or tracing libraries to identify any issues. Finally, review the OpenTelemetry documentation to ensure you’re using the correct APIs and configurations.

What are some common reasons why error traces details are not being captured in OpenTelemetry?

Some common reasons include incorrect configuration, insufficient sampling rates, and inadequate error reporting from the instrumented application. Additionally, network connectivity issues, high latency, or resource constraints can also prevent error traces from being captured.

How do I increase the sampling rate to capture more error trace details in OpenTelemetry?

You can increase the sampling rate by adjusting the `sampling_rate` parameter in the OpenTelemetry configuration file. For example, you can set `sampling_rate` to `1.0` to capture all error traces. However, be cautious of the increased resource usage and potential performance impact when increasing the sampling rate.

Are there any OpenTelemetry plugins that can help me capture error trace details?

Yes, there are several OpenTelemetry plugins available that can help you capture error trace details, such as the `ErrorCollector` plugin, which allows you to collect and report errors to OpenTelemetry. Additionally, plugins like `TracingEventListener` can help you capture error traces and other events from your instrumented application.

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